Yoga Tips, Home practice and stuff you never wanted to look at but maybe you should have...
As staying home has become the new Mantra around the world, a lot of us are now getting “used” to the new routine. Some of us struggle with not being able to DO what we are accustomed to, others feel a relief having more time, less commute and a slower pace. Never mind which group you fall into, you can easily fluctuate between two. But learning how to practice Yoga on your own is now paying massive dividends. Not only can you still get the great benefits of the Yoga Practice as per always, but you are now not tossing between trying the on-the-screen version or contorting yourself without understanding the “sequencing”, the variations or the instructions.
Most importantly, what part of the Yoga tradition is now more relevant to you?
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Random thoughts about walking in the Bush
Imagine, you are driving towards your destination and on the way, you pass slow cyclists. Obviously, you need to let them live and so you slow down to their speed, and you are thinking about your problems and current worries. You look out the window but you still thinking, even though the scenery gradually becoming more green.
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The energetics of a crisis
For a lot of people, what we are currently living is unique, very challenging and far from what they have experienced before, hence there are no parallels or points of reference to help navigate the difficulties they are encountering.
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How to access the Online Live streaming Yoga Class at the Shala
To all of you low tech people, you are not alone in your despair when you face a task slightly more challenging than an email! I am most compassionate and sympathetic about that. My motto about new technology has always been if I can avoid it, I will; if it is absolutely necessary I pay someone to do it for me. This is definitely biting me back these days… I spend countless hours learning online skills about the tech bits of live streaming, new details about Tula software, and now even blogging, Jesus!
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