How to access the Online Live streaming Yoga Class at the Shala

To all of you low tech people, you are not alone in your despair when you face a task slightly more challenging than an email! I am most compassionate and sympathetic about that. My motto about new technology has always been if I can avoid it, I will; if it is absolutely necessary I pay someone to do it for me. This is definitely biting me back these days… I spend countless hours learning online skills about the tech bits of live streaming, new details about Tula software, and now even blogging, Jesus!

If you do not want to join an Online class, it is fair enough, do your own practice and that is great. But if you wanted to try but you got overwhelmed by the idea of opening a new box of trouble, I am attempting here to give you as much detailed instructions as possible and as few excuses to not try.


So, let’s start from the basics: down load Zoom  ( on your device, ideally the one you will use to see the class, but know that your account is accessible by any of your devices. So choose one device and you will have access to a camera and a speaker - that includes any tablets, smart phones or laptops, even your desktop as long as it is in the room that you want to practice in.

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Zoom has many plans, please choose the FREE basic one. you will need a password, select it and save it. Now that allows you to “host” meetings but also to join them when you are invited. That is what will happen when you join the Yoga class at the Shala of your choice: you will join it, not host it. Once Zoom is downloaded, you should see an icon with a white camera in a blue square that represents the application. You will be asked to access the microphone and video of your device, please allow that. That is Zoom! - now you have it, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. When you will join a class, the application will automatically open the video in the class.


TULA APP // Guringai Yoga Shala WEBSITE

As fantastic as the Tula app is to book classes from a phone or a tablet you HAVE TO use OUR WEBSITE to access the Live Broadcast, the App is not YET ready for it, as the Tula people rushed to offer us clients this new function in this crazy time of forced isolation. So please save website on your device and access the login and timetable from there for now.


Tula is the software we are using for you to book our classes online and purchase any of our passes. You have always had 2 ways to do so, by either using our “Timetable” page or by using our “Student Login” page. Whichever was your choice, you could log in and pay and nothing at your end would change.

However now in order to be able to use the Online streaming function you HAVE to use the “Student Login” page. This is going to ask you a password, if yon never had one, please create one. If you had it and lost it, then please change it. If you know it, you are already in business as you would have always been able to see your profile with your classes, credit, attendance and future registrations. Be mindful that I never knew and never will know your password, so I cannot access it for you. It is your account, and only you and Tula are in business with that.

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Then, you need two things, one is to have valid credit for the class, course or workshop you want to attend. The second is to “register” for the class. As soon as you have registered you are given two options, one is to “deregister” and the second one is to “View the Broadcast”. That means you are ready to see the online class, unless you are registering way earlier (which you can and should, just do not try to view the broadcast too early ….). Second, between 5 to 10 minutes before class is due to start, click on “View the Broadcast” and make sure your video and audio are both working, I will be there (hopefully!) to say hello to you and to welcome you to class. then we are on…!

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Guringai Yoga Shala